Welcome to Testing State School

Welcome to Testing State School

Test Test

Dear Parents,

Peta.jpgAs students will now be spending vast amounts of time with their teachers and friends, it is important to remember the significant role of parent engagement with student learning.  Educating our children is one of the most important tasks parents have. Education is vitally important for every child and is every community’s most valuable resource. As parents, we all want our children to do the best they can, but sending them to school is only part of the picture – how well we parents engage with our children’s education has significant impact on their learning. Research tells us that schools perform best when families, communities and schools share the education opportunity equally with students. Please take time each day/week to enthusiastically and positively discuss your child/ren’s learning or homework they are engaging in.

Our P&F Meeting will take place in two weeks’ time on Monday 5th August at 2.00pm.  We are trialing this new time as it may be more convenient for parents to come early to pick up their child and then depart at 3.00pm.  We encourage parents to come along to join our wonderful team.  Your involvement is greatly appreciated.

Presently, our School Satisfaction Survey is open and is a very important process for our school.  This is part of our ongoing commitment to continuously improving the school.  We believe it is critical to seek each parent’s opinion on a range of issues relating to St. John’s. Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to build a successful school and strengthen our reputation as an ‘educator of choice’. As such, we have engaged the professional services of MYPCorp to undertake a strictly private and confidential School Results Survey on our behalf. The survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes and will need to be completed by Monday 5th August. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly to each statement. Please note that this survey will be confidential. No member of the leadership team will have access to your individual responses. The school will be provided with a summary of collated results only. You will continue to be sent friendly reminders during the survey period until you have submitted the survey. If you do not receive your survey instructions on the survey start date, please check your spam and junk email folders. While we strongly encourage you to participate, the survey is not compulsory. If you decide that you do not want to complete the survey, simply click ‘Unsubscribe’ in the instruction or reminder email. Thank you for your assistance in helping to shape the future direction of our school.

Next Tuesday, we look forward to Catholic Education Week celebrations.  This year’s theme, Many Voices, One Spirit, has been chosen for its promotion and support of inclusiveness. The ‘Many Voices’ represent the voices of students, teachers, families, communities, parish, social services and government within all five dioceses in Queensland and include students of all educational ages (kindergarten to university) and beliefs. ‘One Spirit’ will be interpreted differently by different audiences and could include for example: faith, the Holy Spirit, charisms, or school spirit, team spirit, parish spirit and family spirit. The theme brings feelings of energy, enthusiasm, love, joy, values, relationships, togetherness, learning, unity and belonging – all ideals relevant to Catholic schools in Queensland. To celebrate Catholic Education Week, we head off to Good Counsel Primary School next Tuesday.  A parent slip was released on Tuesday 23rd by email for you to give permission for your child to attend.  Thank you Mrs Gaia for assisting in coordinating this very special event.

Finally, I invite you to come to school assemblies each Friday as we now have ‘state of the art’ technology facilities in our hall and I now call it with a smirk and immense pride – ‘St. John’s Conservatorium of Music.’

‘The thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.’ – Henry Ward Beecher

God Bless, Peta Bryan